


The following CAN interfaces are supported by the module:

Hardware name

Device name (linux)


Hardware name

Device name (linux)




Q7 connector pins 129 and 130



CAN2 has shared IO lines (on Q7 pins 190 and 192) with GPI and GPIO.

By default GPIO is configured, and CAN2 is disabled


  • i.mx6 does not support CAN-FD

  • on conga-QEVAL: CAN termination has to be enabled on X9 only if conga-QMX6 and CAN-Adapter are on the bus.

Test CAN interface:

Start can0 interface:

# ip link set can0 up type can bitrate 500000 sample-point 0.7

# ip link set can0 up type can bitrate 500000 sample-point 0.7

Then check if can0 is up:

# ip a

# ip a

Send a CAN packet on can0:

# cansend can0 5A0#

# cansend can0 5A0#

Receive CAN packets

# candump -n 5 can0

# candump -n 5 can0

You can send can frames manually on the bus, e.g. from Windows, with CAN software PCAN-view

Shut down can0

# ip link set can0 down

# ip link set can0 down